ConnectPort® LTS Command Reference ConnectPort LTS 8, ConnectPort LTS 8 MEI, ConnectPort LTS 8 W, ConnectPort LTS 8 MEI W, ConnectPort LTS 16,
10 Access the command line To configure devices using commands, you must first access the command line, and then log on as needed.
100 set ppp Purpose Configures Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections, or displays current PPP settings. Required permissions Permissions must b
101 Options add Add a PPP setting. remove Remove a PPP setting. index=1-64 PPP user index. connection_type={none|incoming|outgoing} The connectio
102 pppauth={none|chap|pap|both} Determines whether authentication is required for PPP connection and, if so, what kind. none The remote user does no
103 localipaddr_mode={none|unnumbered|static} The mode of IP address for local end in outgoing PPP connection. none No the mode of IP address is spec
104 Examples Set incoming PPP settings #> set ppp add index=2 newname=ibuser connection_type=incoming Set outgoing PPP settings #> set ppp
105 set profile Purpose Associates a particular port with one of several port configuration profiles, or displays the current port-profile settings.
106 Printer profile: This profile allows you to connect a printer to the serial port Modem profile: This profile allows you to connect a modem to
107 Options port=port The serial port number or range of serial ports associated with the port profile. Required when configuring port profiles.
108 Example #> set profile port=1 profile=realport See also • "revert" • "show "
109 set python Purpose Configures Python programs to execute when the ConnectPort LTS product boots. Syntax set python [range=1–4] [state=
11 Basic command information Navigation and editing keys Use the keys listed in the table to navigate the command line and edit commands: Action Keys
110 set realport Purpose Configures and displays RealPort-related settings. Required permissions For products with root and non-root (normal) users
111 exclusive={on|off} Enables or disables exclusive mode for RealPort connections. Exclusive mode allows the device to close an existing RealPort co
112 set rtstoggle Purpose RTS toggle is used to raise RTS when sending data. This command enables or disables RTS toggle on a given serial port, and
113 Options port=range Used to specify the serial port. Optional on a single-port device. state={on|off} Used to enable or disable the RTS toggle
114 set samba Purpose Configures and displays Samba service settings. Required permissions Permissions must be set to one of the following: For a
115 Options state={off|on} Specifies whether the Samba service will be enabled on Enable the Samba service. off Disable the Samba service. Defaul
116 alert_priority={normal|high} The priority of the alert when the alert type is email. normal The alert is sent with normal priority. high The aler
117 Examples Enable Samba service #>set samba state=on server= path=/sambaroot timeout=5 interval=10 user=admin password=admin
118 set sdmemory Purpose Configures and displays SD memory device settings. Required permissions Permissions must be set to one of the following:
119 set serial Purpose Sets and displays general serial configuration options, such as baud rate, character size, parity, stop bits, and flow contro
12 Entering special characters in string values Several commands have options that are string values, for example the “set alarm” command’s “match” o
120 Syntax Set general serial options set serial port={range|internalmodem|xbee} [altpin={on|off}] [baudrate=bps] [databits ={5|6|7|8}] [parity=
121 flowcontrol={none|hardware|software|custom} Specifies which kind of flow control is used on the line. none No flow control. hardware Hardware flo
122 sigsonopen ={none|rtsdtr} Determines the signal behavior of the serial port when ports are opened and closed by client from the remote site. When
123 set service Purpose Enables and disable network , changes the network port on which a given service listens, and displays the entire service tab
124 Options range=range Used to specify the index of the network service to which the rest of the command’s options apply. For more information o
125 delayed_ack=0-1000 The time, in milliseconds, to delay sending ACK packets in response to received data for the specified range of network servic
126 Supported network services and their default network port numbers The following table shows the network services controlled by the “set services”
127 Service Services provided Default network port number Advanced Digi Discovery Protocol (ADDP), also known as Device Discovery Discovery of Digi d
128 Service Services provided Default network port number Secure Socket Service Authentication and encryption for ConnectPort LTS products. 2601 Simp
129 Index numbers and changing default port numbers An index number is assigned to each of these services. The index numbers assigned can vary over t
13 Verifying device support for commands To verify whether a ConnectPort LTS device supports a particular command or command options, and to get the
130 Examples Disable service #> set service range=1 state=off Change the network port (ipport) of a service #> set service range=1 ipport=50
131 set smtp Purpose Configures the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) server, or displays current SMTP settings. Required permissions For product
132 user=username Specifies the user name for SMTP authentication password=password Specifies the password of the user for SMTP authentication. from=
133 set snmp Purpose Configures the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent, or displays current SNMP settings. Required permissions For pr
134 [snmp trap options] are: [trap version={none|v1|v2c|v3}] [trap_community=string] [trapdestip={ip address|fqdn}] [trapsecdest={ip address|fqdn}] [
135 Options [snmpv1v2c options] snmpv1v2_enabled={off|on} Enables or disables the accessing of SNMP-managed objects through SNMP v1/v2c protocol.
136 [snmpv3 options] snmpv3_enabled={off|on} Enables or disables use of SNMP version 3. off Disables the accessing of SNMP-managed objects through SN
137 auth_pwd=password Set the password for authentication. priv_protocol={des|aes}] Specifies the privacy protocol algorithm. des Set DES algorithm a
138 authfailtrap={off|on} Enables or disables the sending of authentication failure traps. on Enables the sending of authentication failure traps. of
139 [snmpv3 trap options] trap_security_level={auth_nopriv|auth_priv|noauth_nopriv} Indicates the security level of the user with regard to authentic
14 User permissions in ConnectPort LTS products The user model in a ConnectPort LTS product influences the commands that users can issue. ConnectPort
140 Examples Enable authentication failure traps #> set snmp trapdestip= authfailtrap=on Specify a new private community string #> s
141 set socket_tunnel Purpose Configures a socket tunnel. A socket tunnel can be used to connect two network devices: one on the ConnectPort LTS pro
142 Syntax Configure a socket tunnel set socket_tunnel [state={on|off}] [timeout={0|seconds}] {0 is no timeout} [from hostname={name|ip address}
143 to_port=port number The destination port: the port number that the ConnectPort LTS product uses to make a connection to the destination device. t
144 set switches Purpose Configures Multiple Electrical Interface (MEI) settings on a per-port basis, and displays current MEI settings. MEI setting
145 Options range=range The port or range of ports to which this command applies. mode={232|485} Selects the electrical interface of the serial p
146 termination={on|off} Applies when the serial port is running in EIA-485 mode only. Determines whether termination and biasing resistors are used
147 set sysauth Purpose Configures or displays authentication settings for the command-line interface or web server. The following authentication
148 Options index=1-2 The index number associated with the system authentication settings. Required when configuring system authentication settin
149 radius_down_local User authentication is performed through the Radius server first. If authentication is successful, the user can access CLI or W
15 2. Command descriptions backup Purpose Saves the device configuration to a TFTP server located on the network or a storage device in the ConnectP
150 accountingsocket=0-65535 The TCP port to be used for authentication communication. The default port number for Radius authentication is 1813. The
151 timeout=0-300 The timeout (specified in seconds) controls how long the ConnectPort LTS will wait for the response from Radius authentication serv
152 set syslog Purpose Used for managing SYSLOG settings and showing the status of the SYSLOG service. The SYSLOG service sends serial port data to
153 set system Purpose Configures and displays system-identifying information, such as a description of the device, its location, and a contact pers
154 set tcpserial Purpose Configures behaviors of TCP serial connections and displays current TCP serial settings. This command affects the followin
155 Syntax Set behaviors of TCP serial connections set tcpserial port=range [hangupdcd={on|off}] [hangupdsr={on|off}] [idletime={0|n}] [sid={on|
156 sid={on|off} Determines how the socket ID (SID) string in the “sidstring” option is handled. on The value for the “sidstring” option is sent to t
157 sendtime={0|1-65535} (milliseconds) Indicates that data from the serial port should be sent out to the network after the given amount of time has
158 set time Purpose Set system time or display current system time. Sets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and/or system time and date on the Co
159 Options time={hh:mm:ss|hh:mm} hh Hour; ranges from 0 to23. mm Minute; ranges from 0 to 59. ss Second; ranges from 0 to 59. date=mm.dd.yy) mm
16 bash Purpose Initiates the BASH Linux shell. Required permissions Root privileges are required to initiate the BASH shell. Syntax Initiate
160 set trace Purpose Configures a ConnectPort LTS product for tracing and displays tracing information. Important: The “set trace” command
161 Options state={off|on|dump} Sets the state of the tracing function. off Turns the tracing function off. on Turns the tracing function on. dum
162 mask=type:severity Identifies the type and nature of events that should be traced, and the severity level of the events. type The type of events
163 Examples Display current trace settings #> set trace trace is currently off, using historical mode syslog is currently off, loghost is "&
164 set udpserial Purpose Configures and displays current settings for the UDP serial feature. This feature allows data to be sent between the seria
165 Syntax Set general UDP serial forwarding characteristics for a serial port set udpserial port={range|xbee|internalmodem} [state={on|off}] [s
166 sendtime={0|time} The amount of idle time, in milliseconds, allowed before sending data to the network. If no data is received on the serial port
167 sid={on|off} Determines how the socket ID (SID) string in the “sidstring” option is handled; that is, whether the string specified by the “sidstr
168 Options for setting UDP destinations for a given serial port The following options require a range to be specified by the “range” option. port=ra
169 set usb Purpose Configure USB device settings and displays current USB settings. Required permissions Permissions must be set to one of the fol
17 boot Purpose Reboots the ConnectPort LTS product, restores the device configuration to factory default settings, or loads new firmware files from
170 Options id=usb port number Specifies the USB port number to be set. state={on|off} Specifies whether the USB device will be enabled. on Enabl
171 USB Modem options Obtain the values for these options from your cellular service provider. apn=string The Access Point Name (APN). pin=string T
172 set user Purpose Used to: Add users for access to a ConnectPort LTS product. Up to 32 users can be defined. Associate a user with up to tw
173 Syntax Add a user set user add id=number name=user name [commandline={on|off}] [groupaccess={on|off}] [defaultaccess={commandline|group|none
174 Options add Add a user. New users are created with the default permissions (see “Default permissions for a new user” earlier in this descript
175 groupaccess={on|off} Specifies whether the user is allowed to use the access rights for any associated groups. This allows a group to define the
176 public_key={tftphost:filename|clear} Loads or clears an SSH public key used for authentication of this user. The key must be an RSA or DSA public
177 Examples Add a new user #> set user add newname=jsmith id=4 Remove user 7 #> set user remove id=7 Associate user “johndoe” with the root
178 set web Purpose Configure the timeout value for the web interface. Required permissions Permissions must be set to one of the following: For
179 set xbee Purpose The “set xbee” command performs several functions: Displays current configuration settings for the XBee RF module Displays
18 Examples Restore configuration defaults This example reloads the firmware stored in flash ROM and resets the configuration to factory defaults
180 Options state={on|off} on The XBee RF module can be managed from the command-line interface. That is, you can issue AT commands to the XBee R
181 Examples Set Xbee state ON (Exclusive mode is turned on) #>set xbee state=on Run the AT command “NI” #>set xbee NI Change the XBee ID us
182 show Purpose Displays the current settings in a device, including current configuration settings, boot code loaded in the device, and the effect
183 Option Displays settings configured by Works w/port option Works w/range option alarm set alarm No Yes autoconnect set autoconnect Yes No buffer
184 Option Displays settings configured by Works w/port option Works w/range option nfs set nfs No No portauth set portauth Yes No portgroup set port
185 Examples Display network configuration settings #> show network Network configuration "eth0" interface configuration MAC addre
186 "eth1" interface configuration MAC address : 00:E0:0C:00:7E:21 IPv6 Link addr : IPv6 Site addr : IPv6 Glo
187 Display current alarm settings #> show alarm Display settings for a particular user #> show user range=3 See also • "revert" •
188 status Purpose Displays the current list of sessions. The “status” command displays the status of outgoing connections (connections made by “con
189 telnet Purpose Used to make an outgoing Telnet connection, also known as a session. Required permissions For products with two or more users, p
19 close Purpose Closes active connect, Rlogin, and Telnet sessions; that is, sessions opened by “connect,” “rlogin,” or “telnet” commands. The “clo
190 wan Purpose Initiates and controls wide-area network (WAN) connections, or displays the status of current WAN connections. Required permissions
191 who Purpose Displays active connections to and from the device. Required permissions For products with two or more users, permissions m
2 © Digi International Inc.2012. All Rights Reserved. Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, ConnectPort, XBee, and RealPort are trademarks
20 Options * Closes all active sessions. connection number Identifies the session to close by its session number. Examples Close a session ide
21 connect Purpose Used to make a connection, or establish a session, with a serial port. Required permissions For products with two or more users,
22 display Purpose Displays status information for the device. The “display” command’s focus is on real-time information. In contrast, the “info” co
23 Syntax display {arp|buffers|device|dnsserver|memory| netdevice|proxyarp|serial|sockets|tcp|udp| uptime|versions|xbee {refresh|clear}} Options
24 tcp Displays active TCP sessions and active TCP listeners. To display more TCP-related statistics, such as number of input and output bytes transm
25 Example Display device information #> display device device information: product : ConnectPort LTS 32 MEI W mac address #1
26 display buffers Purpose Displays the contents of a port buffer, or transfers the contents of a port buffer to a server running Trivial File
27 tftp=server:filename server The IP address or DNS name of a server running TFTP to which buffer information should be transferred. filename The na
28 exit Purpose Terminates the current session. Syntax exit Example #> exit See also "quit". The “quit” and “exit” commands perform
29 help and ? Purpose Displays help about a specific command. Syntax help [command] OR [command]? Examples #> help boot #> boot? #>
3 Contents 1. Introduction ...
30 info Purpose Displays statistical information about a device. The “info” command displays statistical information about a device over time. In co
31 Options For a description of the statistics displayed by all these options see the statistics tables in the “Output” section of this description.
32 Output Following are descriptions of the statistics displayed for each “info” command option. The statistics displayed include data, event, and e
33 Ethernet statistics Statistic Description InBytes Number of bytes received. OutBytes Number of bytes sent. InUcastPkts Number of Unicast packets r
34 IP statistics Statistic Description InReceives Number of datagrams received. OutRequests Number of datagrams given to IP to transmit. InAddressErr
35 Serial statistics Statistic Description rbytes Total data in: the number of bytes received. tbytes Total data out: the number of bytes transmitted
36 TCP statistics Statistic Description InSegments Number of segments received. OutSegments Number of segments sent. InErrors Number of segments rece
37 UDP statistics Statistic Description InDatagrams Number of datagrams received. OutDatagrams Number of datagrams sent. InErrors Number of bad dat
38 Example Display ICMP statistics #> info icmp ICMP statistics: InMessages : 3 OutMessages : 5 InDes
39 kill Purpose Kills or ends connections. The “kill” command is associated with the connections displayed by the “who” command. RealPort sessions c
4 revert ...
40 newpass Purpose Creates or changes user passwords for the device. Required permissions For products with two or more users, permissions
41 ping Purpose Tests whether a host or other device is active and reachable. To interrupt the “ping” command, use Ctrl-C. Required permissions For
42 python Purpose Manually executes a Python program from the command line. The “python” command is similar to a command executed on a PC. However,
43 quit Purpose Use the quit command to log out of the device. Syntax quit Example #> quit See also "exit". The “quit” and “
44 reconnect Purpose Reestablishes a previously established connection; that is, a connection opened by a “connect,” “rlogin,” or “telnet” command.
45 revert Purpose Reverts all or a subset of a devices’ configuration settings to their default values. If you enter “revert user,” “revert group,”
46 Syntax revert [all| alarm| auth [uid=range][gid=range]| autoconnect [port=range]| buffer [port=range]| host| lcd| modem [port=range]| network
47 Options all Reverts all settings except network settings, security settings (passwords and suppress login), and host key settings. alarm Rever
48 ppp Reverts the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) settings, configured by the “set ppp” command. profile [port=range] Reverts the profile settings con
49 socket_tunnel Reverts the socket tunnel settings configured by the “set socket_tunnel” command. switches [port=range] Reverts the switch settings
5 set trace ...
50 rlogin Purpose Performs a login to a remote system, also referred to as an rlogin. Required permissions For products with two or more users, per
51 set alarm Purpose Configures device alarms and display current alarm settings. Device alarms are used to send emails or SNMP traps when certain d
52 Options General alarm options state= {on|off} Enables or disables all alarms. on Enables all alarms. off Disables all alarms. To avoid false e
53 subject=string If “type=email,” this option specifies the text to be included in the “subject” field of an alarm-triggered email. If “type=snmptra
54 Data pattern matching-based alarm options In data pattern match mode, an alarm will be triggered when a pattern is found in the stream of serial d
55 set autoconnect Purpose Used to establish an automatic connection (autoconnection) between the serial port and a remote network destination, and
56 Syntax Configure autoconnect set autoconnect [port={range|xbee|internalmodem}] [state={on|off}] [trigger={always|data|dcd|dsr|string}] [serv
57 trigger={always|data|dcd|dsr|string} Indicates which events from the serial port will trigger a network connection to occur. always The serial por
58 ipaddress=ip address The IP address of the network destination to which a connection will be made. ipport=ip port The TCP port of the network dest
59 keepalive={on|off} Indicates whether or not TCP keepalives are sent for the specified range of clients. If set to on, keepalives are sent, if it i
6 1. Introduction This book describes the commands in the command-line interface for several Digi product families, listed below. This chapter provid
60 set buffer Purpose Configures buffering settings on a port, or displays the port buffer configuration settings on all ports. The p
61 Syntax Configure port buffering set buffer [clear] [clearbk] [port={range|xbee|internalmodem}] [size=number] [state={on|off|pause}] [autobk=
62 autobk Automatic data backup option. The data will be buffered on following storage location. none Automatic data backup will not be enabled. nfs
63 Examples Display port buffer configuration for all ports #> set buffer Configure buffers In this example, the set buffer command sets the bu
64 set ethernet Purpose Configures, adjusts, and displays Ethernet communications options. Required permissions For products with two or more users
65 speed={10|100|1000|auto Configures the Ethernet speed the ConnectPort LTS product will use on the Ethernet network. Specify an appropriate setting
66 set group Purpose Used to create and manage user groups. You can use “set group” to do the following: Add a group. A maximum of 3
67 Options add Add a group. New groups are created with no permissions. A maximum of 32 groups can be defined. remove Remove groups. id=range Spe
68 set host Purpose Configures a name for the device, also known as a host name, or displays the current host name for the device. Required permissi
69 set ippool Purpose Creates a pool of IP addresses for serial ports and internal modem, or displays the currently defined pool of IP addresses. Th
7 Quick reference for configuring features The following table shows common features that can be configured from the command line, and
70 set lcd Purpose Configure LCD device settings and displays current LCD settings Required permissions Permissions must be set to one of the follo
71 use_defaultimage={on|off} Specifies whether the default background image will be used on idle time out. on Use the default background image off Us
72 set modem Purpose Used to configure options of modem profile for a serial port, or display current modem profile settings for a serial port. Requ
73 connection_type={incoming|outgoing|network_bridge} Specifies the connection type of a modem profile. incoming Used for dial-in connections, such a
74 set network Purpose Sets and displays network configuration options. Required permissions For products with two or more users, permissi
75 [tcp keepalive options] are: [idle=10-86400] (seconds) [probe_count=5-30] [probe_interval=10-75] (seconds) [advanced ip options] are: [reuse_old_o
76 ip_v4=device ipv4 address Sets the device IP v4 address when DHCP is off. This option is only applicable if the “mode_v4” option is set to “static
77 ip_6to4tunnel={off|on} Set this option on to supply 6to4 Tunneling which consists of encapsulating IPv6 packets within IPv4, in effect using IPv4
78 [tcp keepalive options] Are options that configure how TCP keep-alive probes are sent. The keep-alive options (“idle,” “probe_count,” “probe_inter
79 Examples Manually set the device IP v4 address of Ethernet interface 1 #> set network index=1 mode_v4=static ip_v4= gateway_v4=10.0.
8 Feature/Task Commands Python program storage and execution on ConnectPort LTS products To learn about the Python programming language and writ
80 set nfs Purpose Configures the Network File System (NFS) settings and displays the status of the NFS service. Network File System (NFS) is a netw
81 Options state ={off|on} Specifies whether the NFS service will be enabled on Enable the NFS service. off Disable the NFS service. Default is o
82 alert_type={email|snmptrap|all} Used to determine what kind of an alarm is sent: an e-mail alarm, an SNMP trap or both. For SNMP traps to be sen
83 set permissions Purpose Used to set user permissions associated with various services and command-line interface (CLI) commands, or display curre
84 Syntax Set permissions set permissions [type={user|group}] {id=range|name=string} [backup={none|execute}] [boot={none|execute}] [buffers={non
85 [s-sysauth={none|read|rw}] [s-system={none|read|rw}] [s-tcpserial={none|r-self|read|rw-self| w-self-r|rw}] [s-trace={none|read|rw}] [s-udpserial={
86 id=range Specifies the ID or the range of IDs of the users or groups to be acted on. If omitted, the “name” option must be specified. name=string
87 newpass={none|rw-self|rw} Permissions for the “newpass” command. (See "newpass") none The command cannot be executed. rw-self The user c
88 s-alarm={none|read|rw} Permissions for the “set alarm” command. (See "set alarm") s-autoconnect={none|r-self|read|rw-self|w-self-r|rw} P
89 s-serial={none|r-self|read|rw-self|w-self-r|rw} Permissions for the “set serial” and "set switches" commands. (See "set serial"
9 Feature/Task Commands Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings To configure SMTP settings: "set smtp" Set system information: as
90 Examples Set group permissions #> set permissions type=group name=gurus newpass=rw-self s-user=read Set user permissions #> set permissio
91 set pmodem Purpose Configures various options for modem emulation over TCP/IP, and display current modem-emulation settings. Required permissions
92 Options port=range Used to specify the serial port. state={on|off} Used to enable or disable modem emulation on a given serial port. on Enable
93 set portauth Purpose Configures or displays authentication settings of each serial port. Authentication options include None, Local. Radius, and
94 Options port=(port|xbee|internalmodem) The serial port number or range of serial ports associated with the port authentication settings. Requi
95 radius_down_local When selected, the user authentication performed through the Radius server first. If succeeded, user can access the serial port.
96 accountingsocket=0-65535 The TCP port to be used for authentication communication. The default port number for Radius authentication is 1813. The
97 timeout =0-300 The timeout (specified in seconds) controls how long the ConnectPort LTS will wait for the response from Radius authentication serv
98 set portgroup Purpose Configures or displays port group settings. Port group is a convenience feature which can be created to send data to multip
99 Options add Add a port group. A maximum of 16 port groups can be defined. remove Remove port groups index=1-16 Specifies the index number of p
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