Digi NS9750 Bedienungsanleitung

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Seite 2

viii       NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004Who should read this guideThis guide is for hardware developers, system software deve

Seite 3

www.netsilicon.com       ixUsing This GuideRelated documentation For information on the chip you are using, see the NS9750 Hardware Reference.

Seite 5 - Contents

       1NS9750 Jumpers and ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ComponentsThe NS9750 Jumpers and Components provides a d

Seite 6

Overview2       NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004OverviewThe NS9750 contains 50 GPIO pins. Each of the 50 pins can be multiplexed

Seite 7 -        v

www.netsilicon.com       3NS9750 Jumpers and Components Three diagnostic LEDs (five supported) 20-pin JTAG header Reset pushbutton switch F

Seite 8

GPIO-related configurations4       NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004IEEE 1284 parallel port configuration alternatives Populate

Seite 9 - Using This Guide

www.netsilicon.com       5NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsSerial port D in RS232, full modem control Populate these resistors with 0 ohm jumpers:

Seite 10 - What’s in this guide

Non GPIO-related configurations6       NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004RMIIX To use RMII on Ethernet jack labeled P14: Populate

Seite 11 - Customer support

www.netsilicon.com       7NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsDefault configuration switch settingsTable 2 shows the default configuration settings fo

Seite 13 - Components

Default configuration switch settings8       NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004SW9 Switch 1 = ONSwitch 2 = OFFSwitch 3 = ONSwitch

Seite 14 - Overview

www.netsilicon.com       9NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsConfiguration register switch settingsTable 3 provides switch settings and descriptions

Seite 15 - GPIO-related configurations

Configuration register switch settings10       NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004SW13 Switch 1 = OFFSwitch 2 = OFFSwitch 3 = OFFSw

Seite 16 - USB host

www.netsilicon.com       11NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsSW17 Switch 1 = ONSwitch 2 = OFFSwitch 3 = OFFSwitch 4 = OFFSelects RS232 on port C rat

Seite 20 -       

Part number/version: 90000529_BRelease date: December 2004www.netsilicon.comNS9750 Jumpers and Components

Seite 21

©2001-2004 NetSilicon, Inc.Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved.NetSilicon, NET+Works, NET+OS, and NET+ are trademarks of NetS

Seite 22

Contents       iiiChanges ... vNS9750 Jumpers and Component

Seite 24

Changes       vThis section describes changes to the NS9750 Jumpers and Components since the previous release of the document, March 2004 (90

Seite 26 - 90000529 B

       viiUsing This GuideReview this section for basic information about this guide, as well as for general support contact information.About

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