viii NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004Who should read this guideThis guide is for hardware developers, system software deve ixUsing This GuideRelated documentation For information on the chip you are using, see the NS9750 Hardware Reference.
1NS9750 Jumpers and ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ComponentsThe NS9750 Jumpers and Components provides a d
Overview2 NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004OverviewThe NS9750 contains 50 GPIO pins. Each of the 50 pins can be multiplexed 3NS9750 Jumpers and Components Three diagnostic LEDs (five supported) 20-pin JTAG header Reset pushbutton switch F
GPIO-related configurations4 NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004IEEE 1284 parallel port configuration alternatives Populate 5NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsSerial port D in RS232, full modem control Populate these resistors with 0 ohm jumpers:
Non GPIO-related configurations6 NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004RMIIX To use RMII on Ethernet jack labeled P14: Populate 7NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsDefault configuration switch settingsTable 2 shows the default configuration settings fo
Default configuration switch settings8 NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004SW9 Switch 1 = ONSwitch 2 = OFFSwitch 3 = ONSwitch 9NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsConfiguration register switch settingsTable 3 provides switch settings and descriptions
Configuration register switch settings10 NS9750 Jumpers and Components, Rev. B 12/2004SW13 Switch 1 = OFFSwitch 2 = OFFSwitch 3 = OFFSw 11NS9750 Jumpers and ComponentsSW17 Switch 1 = ONSwitch 2 = OFFSwitch 3 = OFFSwitch 4 = OFFSelects RS232 on port C rat
PN:(1P)90000529 B
Part number/version: 90000529_BRelease date: December 2004www.netsilicon.comNS9750 Jumpers and Components
©2001-2004 NetSilicon, Inc.Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved.NetSilicon, NET+Works, NET+OS, and NET+ are trademarks of NetS
Contents iiiChanges ... vNS9750 Jumpers and Component
Changes vThis section describes changes to the NS9750 Jumpers and Components since the previous release of the document, March 2004 (90
viiUsing This GuideReview this section for basic information about this guide, as well as for general support contact information.About
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